home>News>The first exhibition of the exporting capabilities of small and medium-sized companies (specifically of the knowledge-based and start-up businesses)
The first exhibition of the exporting capabilities of small and medium-sized companies (specifically of the knowledge-based and start-up businesses)

The first exhibition of the exporting capabilities of small and medium-sized companies (specifically of the knowledge-based and start-up businesses)

The first exhibition of the exporting capabilities of small and medium-sized companies (specifically of the knowledge-based and start-up businesses) On the production and business commemoration, the first exhibition of exporting capabilities of small and medium companies was held accompanied by active knowledge-based companies located in industrial resorts and cities including SamFar. The Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, the Deputy Minister of SAMT and the CEO of the Organization of Small Industries and Industrial Towns of Iran visited the achievements of knowledge-based companies by attending the first exhibition of the export capabilities of small and medium-sized companies.