Financial And Human Resource Department

The human resource department is taking some actions so as to have the most efficiency of employees in the framework of our strategic goals in long term. In the other word, we can explain the goals of human resource department as following:
1. Promoting the optimum use and strategic management.
2. Managing the recruitment process.
3. Managing the organizational culture.
4. Making new staff adaptive to our organizational culture.
5. Analyzing vocational positions and designing payment system and appreciating personnel who give good service.
6. Training staff and trying to flourish their skills.
7. Increasing motivation in our staff.
8. Improving employees’ quality of life.
9. Promoting the feeling of job security for decent employees.
10. Planning for performance evaluation of staff.
11. Making the official and organizational rules and regulations.

Financial Management
The goals of financial unit are as following:
1. Regulating financial statements.
2. Presenting the annual budgets.
3. Keeping and recording the company’s documents.
4. Monitoring operational activities.
5. Maximizing corporation values.
6. The stake holders’ rights should be reserved.
7. Modifying the organization’s capital structures.